Liberty Daily Words Vol. 2 Rubber Stamp Set (set of 6)



感受生活 - Experience life

平安健康 - Peace and health

平淡日子 - Ordinary days 

早午晚餐 - Breakfast/Brunch/Lunch/Dinner

一期一會 - One Encounter, One Chance.

好久不見 - It’s been a long time 

- Made in Taiwan

- Stamp size:  28x8mm
- Beechwood + White rubber
- The logo of is printed on the side of the stamp
- The handles are made from different parts of wood, so the color of each seal is different in color/texture
Regular price RM132.00

感受生活 - Experience life

平安健康 - Peace and health

平淡日子 - Ordinary days 

早午晚餐 - Breakfast/Brunch/Lunch/Dinner

一期一會 - One Encounter, One Chance.

好久不見 - It’s been a long time 

- Made in Taiwan

- Stamp size:  28x8mm
- Beechwood + White rubber
- The logo of is printed on the side of the stamp
- The handles are made from different parts of wood, so the color of each seal is different in color/texture