Tsukineko Artnic Midi Pigment Ink Stamp Pad




The small seal can be directly tapped on the printing pad sponge with the printing surface until the ink pad is covered with the printing surface pattern. 

However, users need to pay close attention to the big seal. 

Refrain from using the printing surface to press the printing table, but rather place the printing surface upward on the table, hold the printing table with the user's hand, and gently tap the sponge down on the printing surface until the printing mud is covered with the pattern.

Tips on Saving

Users should fasten the lid of the printing table in time when stamping to avoid the evaporation of printing oil. 

Users should also store the ink pad in a cool and dry place after use, but it should not be over dried to cause the ink to dry up.

Regular price RM20.00


The small seal can be directly tapped on the printing pad sponge with the printing surface until the ink pad is covered with the printing surface pattern. 

However, users need to pay close attention to the big seal. 

Refrain from using the printing surface to press the printing table, but rather place the printing surface upward on the table, hold the printing table with the user's hand, and gently tap the sponge down on the printing surface until the printing mud is covered with the pattern.

Tips on Saving

Users should fasten the lid of the printing table in time when stamping to avoid the evaporation of printing oil. 

Users should also store the ink pad in a cool and dry place after use, but it should not be over dried to cause the ink to dry up.